
About Us


We started our journey about 30 years ago with the dream of contributing to the educational field. We were a team of a few people with the bold label of Katha-O-Kahini. This branch of Katha-O-Kahini slowly over the years, through thick and thin, ups and downs grew up into an established publication house. We  started as a bookseller and through progressing on we metamorphosed into a publication house and came to be known as Katha-O-Kahini Prakashani in 2014.

We have an incredibly diverse publishing programme which often surprises people with thin expectation. Our products cover an extremely broad academic and educational spectrum and we aim to make our content available to users in whichever format suits them best.

We publish mostly for readers/students like pre-school to secondary level school children, students to academics, general readers, individuals to institutions. In the meantime we published TB Number books of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, Tripura Board of Secondary Education, Pre-school books, Help Books for Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Jexpo, few books for CBSE, ICSE, ISC Boards in regional languages. Our skilled marketing staff distribute school and college books to 250 institutions.

Our main criteria when evaluating a new title for publication is its quality and whether it supports those aims of furthering education and disseminating knowledge. To attain our dream for helping the students we have launched a new brand of Exercise Copy. 

It has been a long time and we still hold on tightly to our dream and we are trying our best to do as much as possible to help educational institutions, teachers with excellent pedagogic skills and to mentor students.

From the Publisher's Desk

“When you open a book, you open a new world.” I believe that everyone would agree with this statement as books have become inevitable to mankind.

Books play a significant role in our life. For the majority people, books are the part of their everyday life. Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, prayers and helpful advice.

When a child enters into the world of knowledge they get introduced with books and gradually books open a wide panorama of knowledge to the child.

Keeping that in mind we have introduced different course books which is not only an academic need but also be in tune with their educational environment.

Finally, our books for kids have been written by expert and virtuous authors who wide open the world of knowledge through attractive manner with lucid explanation playfully to the beginners.

The key features of our different academic series are precisely mentioned inside.


Our vision is to describe a student's loftiest ideals, its core educational values, its long-term objectives. We always try to empower students to enquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them as life-long learners.


To offer an environment of excellent and affordable books under same roof. To be a one-stop platform for all educational requirements. It's our aim to ensure everyone of our clients succeed in keeping up with changing requirements. Being one step ahead of the competition means being positioned to create and deliver content in whatever form your audience requires in near real time.